Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ello everyone. Or should I say no one? Hmm. Wonder if anyone ever reads this stuff. Well, I went to a few more events since the last post. I'm sorry my kiddies I've just been too busy for you. This makes me sad.

Dramatic pause.

ANYWHO, last 2 shows I went to was Hot Chip in Central Park, and MGMT at Radio City Music Hall. Both spectacular shows. Hot Chip did not hold back even though the lead singer was abset due to his wife's pregnancy. I think Alexis said it was a girl. Congrats mate. Prior to Hot Chip was Hercules & Love Affair. And must I even say how amazing they were?! Dear lord they brought the fire with live vougers and a few lead singers remixing their own songs and singing over others. A+ work! Before they rocked us we saw Holy Ghost. I was shocked to see a band, I was under the impression that the funky beats and deep synths in all their remixes was from some basement dj with massive amounts of talent. But no! A full band. Explains everything. They were nothing short of spectacular. Absolutely great! A few weeks later (today) I saw MGMT at the Radio City Music Hall. Much credit to the young yet fruitful band. They have really grown into their own with their new album Congratulations (which can be found on their website, amazon AND iTunes, great driving music, jogging, and drawing music). Very new age strong rooted phycedelic. Very "groovy" as they would say back in the mid 60's a early 70's. Much potenial and aledgedly they are writing a new album in early 2011. Keep an eye out for all the bands I just mentioned on my flickr and my youtube oh and of course their myspaces and ITUNES. I am extremely tired and I am currently dozing off as I type this, soooo goodnight to all and to all a goodnight.

- With Love, L -

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